Growing Judo in the Greater Wellington Area
Uplifting our Area
Stay involved and develop your skills in this International Sport

Fancy getting a front-row seat? Support local competitions and develop a deep understanding of the sport.
We have many national and international officials in our region who are highly qualified and can pass on that very knowledge to anyone interested in exploring their officiating talents.
Reach out to your local club to express your interest.

We host 3 major competitions every year so we can never have too many Organising Heroes.
We can support and train you to
run events
score fights
mat steward
and more
We look after the strong supporters of our growing community and love to welcome new faces.

You don't need to be a Master of the martial arts to support a local club. There are many areas and roles that you will be valued in.
We are able to give you national level skills in many different areas such as
how to organise our sport
marketing to grow the sport
coaching skills and knowledge
and more
Developing new coaches and volunteer roles is at the heart of our organisation.

Judo - 'The gentle art' with
a worldwide reach
Our role is simple
Attract - Facilitate - Sustain
We are working to increase the knowledge and understanding of Judo in the Greater Wellington Region so that we can grow our community.